A request is going out for extra ushers.
House: Shubert
Urban Nutcracker show times
(call time is 1 hour and 15 mins prior to show time)
Thursday 12.19 7pm
Friday 12.20 7pm
Saturday 12.21 2pm / 7pm ****MOST URGENT BOTH SHOWS
Sunday 12.
I have been asked to share this message. No need to reply to me.
A request is going out for extra ushers - House: Shubert
Urban Nutcracker show times
(call time is 1 hour and 15 mins prior to show time)
Thursday 12.19 7pm
Friday 12.20 7pm
Saturday 12.
Good morning folks...I received the following message this morning from the VP and GM at the Boch Center, who expressed his condolences to Carol Arlauskas on the death of her mother. Read More...
House: Wang
Date: December 14 and 15
Contact: For work at the Wang Orchestra, contact Mary Healey, call 339-224-0388 (cell); maryhealey46@hotmail.com (email). For Mezzanine and Balcony, contact Larry Ricketts (work) 857-218-3408 (home) 617-427-7640. For general information, contact Robin Jones at gtrmnky@gmail.com or text/call 617-723-2214. Read More...
A request is going out for extra ushers.
House: Shubert
Contact: Liz Guptill guptille@gmail.com
Note: These are all call times.
Urban Nutcracker
Saturday 12.14 2pm / 7pm
Sunday 12.15 1pm / 5:30pm
Thursday 12.19 7pm
Friday 12.